Not far from Sarlat on our way to the west coast, we discovered the hilltop village of Domme, with its stunning views over the Dordogne River; and the village of La Roque Gageac, where we spent an hour on one of the region's traditional flat-bottomed boats (the river seems about a metre deep - very shallow, clear and fast-flowing).
Views from the river boat
This one's for sale - we were tempted!
Clambered up the steep steps against the cliff face to a troglodyte medieval fort looking out over the village and the bend of the river - built into the actual cliff face, quite amazing.
Would love to spend longer in this region – very beautiful and so much to do.
Spent so long in the Dordogne that we really only touched the surface in Blaye and had just a few hours in Bordeaux for lunch – a lovely city that deserved much more time than we were able to give it. Bec, next time you’ll have to come and give us the guided tour :)
Photos and lots more posts to come in the next day or two now we have internet again. Have been writing up notes on the train, since we seem to be either in tunnels or industrial areas, so have just about caught up!
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