Thursday 24 Sept 09
Breakfast at markets, picked up supplies for lunch - baguette, cheese from a fromagerie with hundreds to choose from, a slice of terrine cut straight from the dish and a bottle of Saint Chinian red that we've discovered. Their website says that 'with the quality still improving, Saint Chinian is definitely an appellation to follow'. We thought the one we had was quite acceptable already :) 
'Batobus' river ferry on the Seine and the walk up the Champs Elysse to the Arc de Triomphe. Hordes of camera-wielding pedestrians with a death wish darting amongst the traffic trying to capture the view up the Avenue to the Arc. Yes, Col is still with us (more luck than good management.)

'Batobus' river ferry on the Seine and the walk up the Champs Elysse to the Arc de Triomphe. Hordes of camera-wielding pedestrians with a death wish darting amongst the traffic trying to capture the view up the Avenue to the Arc. Yes, Col is still with us (more luck than good management.)
...just some photos and captions below -

280 steps to the top of the Arc de Triomphe...
Arc de Triomphe
Traffic around the Arc de Triomphe :)

View from the top

Ice cream on the Champs Elysse

On top of the Musee D'Orsay
Amphibious car on the back of a private barge on the Seine - worth trying with the Escort, Kyle? (see propellor underneath at the back?)
Hello Leanne and Colin
It sounds really interesting. I am enjoying reading of your travels as I do some work on a Sunday! It takes me to another place....
Have a great trip which is well deserved - Kate D
HI Leanne and Colin, Great to hear your wonderful adventures. We are now home from Fiji and wish we had folowed your lead on carry on luggage only - have been washing all day. Had a fabulous time, the Resort was wonderful, heaps of snorkelling and swimming - not much sightseeing. Totally different holiday to yours but great for relaxing and kids had a ball and made many 'local' friends. They had lots of hugs from the fijians at the resort as we left. Took ages to go say goodbye to eah of their special friends like the hair braiders and the tour operators etc etc :) anyway, hope you having a marvellous time, will talk soon, all our love
Melissa, John and Kids
Hi Kate and Melissa, John and gang,
Great to hear from you all, and very pleased holiday was so sucessful, Melissa - you deserved it! Huge couple of days so am a bit behind on the photos :) but having a wonderful time. We've left Paris and are staying in a wonderful old farmhouse - huge contrast to the Paris place (no trucks/motorbikes/fighting/eating/smooching just outside the window!)
Take care - not too much work, Kate! Be in touch again soon, all our love, Leanne
Hi Leanne and Colin,
What can I say? just a little note to keep in touch. I have given your "blog" to Tony and Kathy, hope that is O.K. with you.
The rest of the family are well, had a wonderful time in Fiji. Scott and Bronny are as busy as usual but hopefully that will change towards the end of November.
You both sound as if you are having a wonderful time. Take care of yourselves. - Mum and Dad
Hi Leanne and Colin,
Hope you are still having a great time, waiting for the updated photos :) All our Fiji pics are on facebook if you get a chance and want to look. Hope you are well, lots of love Melissa
Hi Mum and Dad,
Lovely to hear from you...and yes, of course, happy for you to pass on the blog address to Kathy and Tony. I'm falling a bit behind :) Had a wonderful day today at Chateau de Chenonceau in the Loire Valley but might take a few days to get the pics up! Hope you're keeping well, all our love, Leanne and Col
ps thanks Melissa, loved the photos! Looking forward to hearing more about the trip.
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